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Hi Im Chibimoon!

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Hi Im Chibimoon! Empty Hi Im Chibimoon!

Post by Chibimoon Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:51 pm

Hi my name is Chibimoon in game. My real name is Ally(short for Alicia). I have been playing flyff since mushpoie first opened. I have the very first elementor in mushie Laugh. I have been in Essence since chia first made it. I used to be in Acropolis which is now Essence/Solstice or thats what it turned into. I am a very nice person and I am always willing to help others. Im proud to be a member of Essence and I will always remain loyal to chia and mike no matter what.

Much Love for everyone!!!!!
Bunny on the moon
Bunny on the moon

Number of posts : 254
Age : 36
Location : In my mans arms <3!
Registration date : 2008-08-31

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